Educational Programs
We sponsor, support and conduct scientific research and educational efforts to improve the understanding of natural resource management for the purpose of conservation.
Educational Programs
We are committed to sharing our findings and experiences with students, colleagues, and the public. Dr. DeNicola has served as a committee member for graduate students, is extensively published, and has presented at a variety of conferences, seminars, and training programs. He has trained biologists in capture and humane euthanasia techniques, taught many students how to capture and shared his field knowledge broadly with countless students. In addition, he has he has volunteered his time with numerous communities and landowners, helping them understand the problems associated with an overabundance of deer and counseling them on how to best address these problems.
For more information on our Educational Programs please Contact Us.
Student Highlight

Charles S. Evans
Charles Evans is a Georgia native with deep outdoor roots. From a young age, he has been an avid conservationist. He has an intense interest in white-tailed deer management. This led him to the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at UGA. While attending Warnell Charles became involved by being a member of multiple wildlife organizations. He worked on deer capture efforts in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. He also aided removal efforts conducted by USDA Wildlife Services and White Buffalo Inc. He graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources. After graduation, he worked for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources compiling and editing the information that will be published in Georgia’s Statewide Deer Management Plan 2015–2024. Charles has returned to Warnell working toward a M.S. Degree in wildlife under Dr. Robert Warren. His research will be conducted in conjunction with Dr. Anthony DeNicola of White Buffalo Inc.
The project will focus on methods for effectively lowering white-tailed deer densities in suburban environments.
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