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Public Engagement

Public engagement is used to assess community support for possible deer management alternatives, such as the use of nonlethal or lethal control. White Buffalo Inc. provides a suite of public engagement methods, which are tailored to community needs.

Beyond population estimates and impact assessments, sound deer management for many communities is also based on the social acceptance of potential deer management methods. Not all methods for deer control are feasible or effective in urban landscapes due to social, legal, economic, or public safety considerations. As a result, a successful management program may involve educating community members and surveying social acceptance of available management methods.


Our public engagement methods include the use of presentations, focus groups, and surveys. We provide in-person or webinar-based presentations designed to educate community leaders and residents about deer abundance issues and management options. Our focus groups are based on small stakeholder group discussion guided by an expert facilitator. From these groups, we gather in-depth qualitative information about opinions, perceptions, and attitudes on deer abundance issues and management options. Similar data may be collected from the greater community via our quantitative internet- or mail-based surveys. Some communities adopt all of these public engagement methods as part of their deer management program. Regardless of methods used, results from public engagement provide communities with additional metrics when considering deer management or evaluating ongoing management success.


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